The children shared their love with each other and their parents on Valentine’s Day. They had crafted beautiful cards and the day was full of love all around.
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12FebFasching 2024

10FebHappy Lunar New Year

21DecChristmas 2023

The Christmas celebration was very intimate and our visitor was joyful and special. The children and parents had a wonderful time singing German Christmas carols and reciting verses. They received kind words from Sankt Nikolaus and special German treats. This year it was very contemplative and cozy.
11NovLantern Walk 2023

Again we had a wonderful sharing of our lantern light in the darkness. We walked at Carlson Park in Culver City, a lovely little intimate park. The Sankt Martin’s play was performed by the enrolled and Tivoli alumni children. The “Weckmaenner” tasted yummy and all the parents were reminded of their childhoods. The children this week were also very thankful for their families and created a card with rubbed leaves.
27SepSeptember 2023-2024

28JulMoving On Celebration 2023

Our lovely moving on celebration was an ending and a new beginning for all of the children that will be going to the Big School in the fall. We also sent everyone who is staying at Tivoli into a summer break and will see them again in the fall. The children received a “Schueltuete” decorated by them and filled with goodies for their first day of school.