Stephanie, parent at Tivoli:
” I am eternally grateful that we found Tivoli Rainbow Garden Preschool. The environment Ilka and her staff have created reflects her warmth and nurturing spirit, and has been an invaluable part of our son’s social and cognitive development. From imaginative play to learning the German language, to building friendships and learning conflict resolution, our son, and all of Ilka’s students, are able to grow and to learn about the world around them in a safe and loving space. Thank you, Ilka!”

Melanie Klein, MA
 Associate Faculty
Sociology/Women’s Studies
 Santa Monica College:
“I have nothing but glowing things to say about Ilka Sternberger and Tivoli Rainbow Garden Pre-school. The play activities are imaginative, creative and engaging; the teachers are attentive, committed and go above and beyond expectations at every turn. From the moment my son and I walked into the Tivoli family, we felt welcomed, cared for and part of the warm community that Ilka has fostered. Tivoli is full of heart and spirit.”

Laura McDonald, Psy.D.:
“I could not imagine a more ideal preschool setting for my three children. Ilka and her staff create an intimate community that gives preschoolers a safe and nurturing atmosphere to learn and grow. Tivoli Rainbow Garden Preschool is a magical place, filled with imagination and creativity that honors and celebrates the whole child. I am excited to have my children in a school that values relationships, compassion, art, creative thinking and the natural world. Our whole family enjoys a wonderful sense of community at this school.”

 Yuko Brull, LMFT:

“Ilka and her staff artfully lead by providing opportunities for growth, protection, and structure in the most respectful, kind, loving manner. Yet they also provide appropriate boundaries so that children flourish without feeling anxious about where they stand in this vast world. Ilka is extremely mindful of each child’s unique developmental stage. I also see beautiful interactions that an only occur in a mixed-age group.
Perhaps the best part about Tivoli, however, is Ilka’s authenticity, curiosity and warmth. She provides a true sense of community yet is sensitive to each family’s dynamics. Tivoli is truly a magical place where my daughter’s mind and soul are nurtured and stimulated and parents are welcomed and included. Tivoli’s beauty is not just the play structure and the yard but Tivoli’s energy and spirit.”

Diem-Mi, mom of 3, 
parent at Tivoli:
“Having 3 children, I didn’t hesitate to send my 3rd child right into the arms of Tivoli.
Some of the things I love:
 Parent Education on NVC & other philosophies & methodologies
. Nuturing, kind & respectful teachers
. Waldorf inspired rhythm of the day. Art integrated learning.  
Ilka and her staffs’s on-going proffesional development. 
Neighborhood walks & edible garden
. Kind families.
My 2nd child was diagnosed with leukemia & Tivoli donated all of the proceeds from the Enchanted Halloween Celebration Fundraiser event to our medical expenses. We are forever touched & thankful.”

Nadine & Matthias, parents at Tivoli:
“Our daughter loves going to Ilka’s Tivoli Rainbow Garden Preschool so much that she is upset with us when we have to tell her she can’t go during the holidays. We are so grateful to have found Ilka and her team. If you want your child to go to a school where happiness and emotional safety are as important as personal development then Tivoli is the place for you.”

Brian J. McDonald M.A. Education:
“As a professor of English as a Second Language, I know how difficult it is to learn a new language, especially later in life. Fortunately, there is Tivoli Rainbow Gardens Preschool, where kids can begin to learn German in
a friendly, comfortable environment beginning at an early age. The countless benefits of this early second language learning will be manifested in the many future successes the children in this program will achieve.
Keep up the terrific work Tivoli!


Christine, parent at Tivoli:
“I enrolled Parker at Tivoli preschool because I was quite interested in preserving his bilingualism in German and English, however, it became about much more. Ilka has a very sensitive approach to separation issue,  she would do everything to make him feel comfortable, be patient and never brush his feelings aside. Parker immediately felt at home and at ease in the Tivoli. There was an immediate feel of inclusion when Ilka addressed Parker to come inside and join everyone in the morning circle and the separation went smoothly. It was a sure indicator as to how Ilka cares for all the children and how she makes them feel safe and secure and accepted at all times.
This is a great community of wonderfully engaged parents around a preschool with a concept focused on the children’s connectedness to themselves, each other as well as nature and the turn of the seasons.”

Paul A. Gieschen M.A., School Administration, Community Parenting Educator:

When I visited my grandsons preschool in person, and saw first-hand the emphasis on simplicity,  in relation-building, in interactive learning instead of using technology and the consistent emphasis on developing character, I fell in love.  As both a longtime professional educator, as well as a loving grandparent, I would highly recommend Tivoli Rainbow Garden Preschool especially to those parents who are personally and deeply involved in the rearing of their children, and who desire them to progress significantly in the German language.

Amanda McCoy, NCATE Accredited Teaching Credential:
“Tivoli Rainbow Garden is an exceptional preschool that nurtures and supports each child’s organic process.  Children are guided with care through thematic lessons that encompass play.  The environment inspires children to explore their imagination and the world around them in a curious, creative way.   Ilka Sternberger is a gifted professional educator that understands these age groups developmental needs.  She implements an empowering conflict-resolution program that teaches children tools to non-violent and supportive communication. After having our son at Tivoli for 3 years, we consider Ilka a special part of our family.”