Kindergarten Programm/Preschool program
2.5-5 year olds
Monday – Friday 8.30am – 3.30pm
Monday – Friday 8.30am – 1.00pm
Nachmittags Gruppen/Afternoon program
Mama, Papa & Ich / Mommy, Daddy & Me
Wednesday afternoons, 0-12 months, and 12-24 months
Unterstützung, singen deutscher Kinderlieder, Informationen für die neue Mama und ihre Familie / Support, singing German nursery rhymes, general information for new Moms and their families
Spiel- & Krabbelgruppe / Toddler Group
Wednesday afternoons, 0-24 months
Singen, Tanz, Fingerspiele und lustige Projekte für das Kleinkind / Singing, Dance, Fingerplays and fun projects for toddlers
Tivoli Youngsters
Wednesday afternoons, 2-year olds
Vorbereitung für den Einstieg in unser Kindergartenprogramm / Preparation for joining our preschool program
Deutsch mit allen Sinnen – Temporarily On Hold
Tuesday/Thursday afternoons, 5-7 year olds
Deutsch mal anders – lernen mit allen Sinnen!! Ein Sprachangebot für Schulkinder.
Learning through the senses – an opportunity to learn the German language differently!! Open to school-aged children.
Parent Education
We offer parent education workshops and lectures throughout the year. Topics and speakers change depending on the specific demands of the current classroom. Some professionals that we have closely collaborated with in the past are:
– Tandy Parks, ‘Helping Young Children with Difficult Emotions’
– Chrys Massey-Rhodes, ‘I am interested in my body parts’
– Tracy Roberts, ‘The Effect of Screens on the Young Brain’
– Gail MacManus, ‘Compassionate Communication’
– Barbara Ollinger, ‘Limit-Setting and Conflict Resolution with your Child’
– Susan Derby, ‘Raising Emotionally Healthy Children‘ (‘Hand in Hand’ Parenting Solutions)
For more information on Ilka’s Postpartum Doula Services, please click here.