
Christmas fun at Tivoli, preparing for Sankt Nikolaus to arrive. Baking, crafting, and celebrating Advent, lighting the Advent wreath candles, one Sunday at a time, until all four candles are lit and Christmas is here.


Our lantern walk this year was in the Culver City neighborhood where all the neighbors really appreciated us bringing light into the darkness. The children had fun playing out the St. Martins story with a horse, a beggar, and St. Martin.

We also had yummy “Weckermaenner” as a traditional treat.


The fairy delighted us with a visit for Halloween. Click here to see the fairy singing and dancing.


Pumpkin fun at Tivoli, spiders and webs, feeding Scooter, our neighborhood turtle,  painting the pumpkins orange, and our squirrel visitor sneaking a drink.


Welcome back to the new Tivoli school year. We are happy to wave hello to everyone with our buttoned hello hands.  



We celebrated Tivoli fathers at the park with special Father’s Day verses and dancing in the circle. The dads loved it. It was the first time in a long time that we could see the smiles on their faces, because the mask requirement was lifted just the day before. The children decorated special lunch bags with hand and foot prints and filled the yummy lunch bags with apples and pretzel sandwiches, made by the children.


We had a wonderful Mothers Day celebration at Tellefson Park.  


Tivoli moved to a new home in Culver City. The children helped to move the play structure. And the parents did an amazing job moving every little part of our beloved school.


A fun time was had by all at our Easter celebration. Children and parents did the bunny sack hop and the egg balancing walk. What a surprise–the Easter Bunny hid the Easter baskets with little chickees and Easter eggs in the grass under the trees.




The children also painted Easter eggs that were hung on the Tivoli Easter tree.




A good time was had by the children on Fasching. Even in the pandemic we celebrate, with dressing up, eating “Berliner”, crafting Fashing’s hats, and dancing “Rucky Zucky”. Hellau and Alaf!