We went to Temescal Canyon Gateway Park to be in nature and to look for gnomes and fairies. Guess what? We found sesame seeds from the gnomes to feed the fairies, and magical fairy rocks from the fairies as a thank you. We had a wonderful magical time all together.
As a treat for the dads (and the kids) we visited the Culver City Fire Station #1. We experienced an alarm, sliding down the fire pole, and water release from the fire truck, AND everyone got a chance to sit in the fire truck. The fire fighters at that station were kind, caring, and really funny. Thank you to all of them.
Afterwards we sang to our dads and there were a lot of hugs and kisses. Just what the dads deserve for Father’s Day.
Tivoli Mayfaire with dancing around the May pole, flower crown crafting and yummy strawberry cakes…singing our hearts out and soooo much love and laughter it cannot get better.
Happy Mothers Day
a tea time and cake treat for our Tivoli Mamas from their children. A wonderful day.
Easter time at Tivoli. The children had a lot of fun painting eggs, visiting the bunnies in the neighborhood, and getting treats from the Easter Bunny.
So much fun at our Fasching celebration with masks, Berliners, Rucky-Zucky, Polonaise/parade, and so much more. The children had a blast.
Sharing the love with moms, dads, neighbors, friends, and amongst ourselves, that’s how we celebrate Valentine’s Day at Tivoli. The children made beautiful crafted hearts and cards.
December is a very special time at Tivoli. Lighting the candles of the advent wreath each week, baking Christmas cookies, decorating the Christmas tree are all fun activities for our children.
What a wonderful enchanted night it was here at Tivoli Rainbow Garden Preschool. The fairy delighted us with magic and wonder and beautiful little treasures for the children to take home.
Parents were enchanted as well and took away love in their hearts.