We started the new school year with making friends, finding our cubbies, and making a welcome birdhouse. The new year started with wonderful new families and lots of fun.
For Father’s Day we treated our fathers to a visit to the Culver City Fire Station #2. A lot of information for the dads and the children and we all had a really good time.
The Mayfair at Tivoli was a wonderful event. The children looked lovely with their flower crowns and enjoyed very much dancing around the Maypole. The food was very German and yummy and the silent auction was fun.
There was lots to do to prepare for our beautiful afternoon Mother’s Day tea time. The children crafted, baked, learned loving verses and served their Mamas tea and cake. The Mamas had a great time and were really touched by the love they received.
Tivoli families clean the beach with It’s Overdue. The children learned what plastic trash is all about and had a good time cleaning the beach.
Easter time is the most fun for everyone. Painting eggs, planting seeds for the Easter baskets, and watching the grass grow, makes the children happy. Celebrating Easter with the whole community with egg walks, sack jumps, and the surprise treat from the Easter Bunny was a blast.
We had so much fun in March. Visiting a regenerative farm in Filmore, celebrating Fasching, and having Kasperle come to visit were the highlights.
We had a wonderful Valentine’s celebration. In anticipation the children were making beautiful cards for their loved ones and learned a Valentine’s verse. We also talked about mindfulness and how to care for people who are less fortunate than we are. The parents were thrilled to get roses and big hugs.
Tivoli is bringing winter fun to Los Angeles with cutting snowflakes, crafting showmen, and making a family of snow people.