Thank you all for coming to our Abschluss Zeremonie / Moving-on celebration! It was a beautiful afternoon with beautiful weather and the children and parents had a great time sitting and enjoying each other. The performances from the children were very special and heart-warming. They loved to dance and sing for everyone!

The soon to be Kindergarteners enjoyed the movement story ”Ich bin ein Kind im Tivoli …” and sang it all alone without Ilka’s help!!  And the “Oh lalala, Oh lalala, ksksks……” snake fingerplay was simply precious. It was great to see some of the younger children join in to support too. Everyone loves this hand movement game!

And then there were of course the Schultüten /school cones! The stories and images they showed were amazing and the children were proud to show them off!!! Now let’s hope that everyone’s really stays closed until the first day of school …

Thank you, too, for everyone’s potluck contributions! There was a truly relaxed and caring energy in the air.

We send everyone off into a wonderful summer with special fairy rocks … for the fairy is always around. And for the Kindergarteners and their families we would like to add an extra dose of love and care and a breeze of good luck to begin a new phase of their lives!